Acid Reflux Symptoms: 8 Weird Signs You Have Acid Reflux

Do you really think it’s acid reflux? Be careful!

Be careful! –

As we have described, one of the most common symptoms in acid reflux is heartburn, which is often described as a burning sensation in the middle of the chest. This particular symptom should be taken seriously, especially if you have cardiovascular problems, diabetes, hypertension, and if you recently had a stressful event.

Heartburn is often confused with heart attack symptoms, and only a qualified doctor, an electrocardiogram, and certain lab tests would make a clear difference between these two health problems. So, if your heartburn becomes worse than usual, if you experience a tightening sensation in the middle of the chest or severe pain, it will be better to look for urgent medical attention. Other alarming signs and symptoms are tachycardia or rapid pulse, shortness of breath, and chest pain that irradiates to your left shoulder, left arm, jaw or neck.

As a final piece of advice, we recommend you to see your doctor if you experience acid reflux symptoms more than two times in one week, if you’re experiencing concerning symptoms, and if you need to take daily antacid medications and other types of gastric acid blockers to control your gastrointestinal symptoms.