Liver Damage: The Most 10 Common Liver Failure Symptoms

Vomiting blood

Vomiting blood –

There is also a name for this symptom: hematemesis. Logic says that If someone vomits blood, there is bleeding somewhere in that person’s digestive system (whereas it is the esophagus, stomach or the first part of the small intestine). One of the factors causing this bleeding, and related to liver failures are the esophageal varices. They are veins, more extensive than average due to an uncontrol in their growth.

Those varices are located in the walls of the lower part of the esophagus. Over here, we need to set clear that, even though they may bleed, don’t usually cause any pain. In case a person is suspected of having esophageal varices, and they are causing him vomiting blood, that person needs to be admitted to hospital immediately.