Melanoma Symptoms: What Are The Symptoms and Signs of Melanoma?

Relation with other tissues

Relation with other tissues –

The pigment produced by the melanocytes may spread in the surrounding tissue and create a brown halo around the lesion. The local spread of the malignant cells is through intradermal lymphatics. The migrating cells in the dermis may stop there and produce nodules called satellite nodules. These are found around the primary lesion, which is why they are called satellite lesions.

Distant metastasis is seen as lymph node swelling in the surrounding lymph nodes, or in the groin and axillary lymph nodes. Metastasis to other organs can also occur, especially to the lungs and causing symptoms such as dyspnea, pleural effusion, and cough; or the liver, causing jaundice and hepatomegaly. Melanoma can also spread to the brain and produce neurological symptoms.