Meningioma Brain Tumor Symptoms: 13 Eraly Warning Signs OF Meningioma

Tumor attacks

Tumor attacks –

When the meningioma causes compression of the blood vessels and a resulting decrease in the blood flow to various parts of the brain, it can lead to transient ischemic attacks or stroke, also known as tumor attacks. The symptoms depend on the location of the tumor and the part of the brain affected by ischemia. For example, if the brain stem is affected, it can lead to respiratory and cardiac failure.

Kennedy-Foster syndrome

It is a triad of anosmia, optic atrophy in the same side, and papilledema in the opposite side of the lesion. This happens when the tumor is present in the olfactory groove or near the sphenoid wing, affecting the olfactory and optic nerve. Optic atrophy is due to the direct pressure on the nerve, and the raised intracranial pressure that results leads to papilledema.