Meningioma Brain Tumor Symptoms: 13 Eraly Warning Signs OF Meningioma

Neurofibromatosis type 2

Neurofibromatosis type 2 –

Meningiomas are highly associated with NF type 2, featuring café au lait patches, cutaneous and subcutaneous schwannomas, cataract, retinal hamartomas, and schwannomas of other cranial nerves.

The diagnosis of meningiomas, when they are asymptomatic, is done by chance. Conversely, when the patient has signs and symptoms, the diagnosis should be made by MRI. Surgical excision/excisional biopsy is the treatment of choice and the best way to confirm the initial suspicion. It is recommended for meningiomas of grade 1 and grade 2. Surgery also depends on the location and access to the tumor. If the symptoms are severe, the excision of part of the tumor can be done to alleviate the symptoms caused by the meningioma. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are used in grade 3 and 4 invasive meningiomas to increase the survival rate of the patient.