Meningioma Brain Tumor Symptoms: 13 Eraly Warning Signs OF Meningioma

Raised intracranial pressure and its consequences

High intracranial pressure –

Raised intracranial pressure is an important cause of headaches, impaired conscious level, papilledema, diplopia, mydriasis (pupillary dilation), and bradycardia. It is caused by the pressure exerted by the tumor and its extra space taken, which compresses the ventricles of the brain that contain the intracranial fluid (CSF). Another cause is an obstruction of the outflow of CSF or due to vasogenic edema in the case of an invasive meningioma. Raised intracranial pressure can also lead to herniation of the brain parenchyma through the foramen in the skull base, leading to different complications such transient ischemic attacks, cerebellar conus (herniated cerebellum) with motor dysfunction, pressure on the brain stem leading to respiratory and cardiac arrest, progressive coma, and death.