Mouth Cancer Symptoms: 10 Early Warning Signs Of Mouth Cancer

Location of the neoplasia in the oral cavity

Location of the neoplasia in the oral cavity –

It can be localized in many different parts of the oral cavity. For example, torus is seen bilaterally on the mandible and may also develop on the hard palate. Minor salivary gland tumors are seen less commonly on the hard palate and more on the soft palate, but they can occur anywhere in the oral cavity. Lymphangioma occurs more commonly on the anterior two thirds of the tongue. Papilloma can occur on both hard and soft palate, the uvula, tongue or the lips. Hemangiomas and fibroma can occur anywhere in the oral cavity.

Leukoplakia is seen in the buccal mucosa, but it might also occur on the floor of mouth, the tongue, gingivobuccal sulcus, or the mucosa of the lips. Malignancy of the lip more often occurs on the lower lip, at the midpoint between the oral commissure and the middle portion of the lip. Carcinoma of the tongue is more frequently seen on the ventral surface or the lateral edges of the tongue, followed by the base of the tongue. Gingival carcinoma is mostly located in the lower jaw, behind the first molar teeth.