Understanding Cold Sores

Foods To Avoid During a Cold Sores Break

Foods To Avoid During a Cold Sores Break
Foods To Avoid During a Cold Sores Break

Certain foods that you should avoid when you have a cold sore outbreak. Here are some foods to avoid:

  1. Arginine-rich foods: It is an amino acid that can trigger the herpes simplex virus to replicate. Foods that are high in arginine include nuts, chocolate, and caffeine.
  2. Acidic foods: Foods high in acidity can irritate cold sores and worsen them. Avoid citrus fruits, tomatoes, and vinegar-based foods.
  3. Salty foods: Salty foods can also irritate cold sores. Avoid chips, pretzels, and other salty snacks.
  4. Processed foods: Processed foods often contain high amounts of sugar and preservatives, weakening your immune system and making it more difficult to fight off cold sores.
  5. Alcohol: Alcohol can dehydrate your body, which makes it challenging for your immune system to fight off cold sores.
  6. Foods that contain high amounts of sugar: Sugar can weaken your immunity and make it more difficult to fight off cold sores. Avoid candy, soda, and other sugary snacks.