What is Folliculitis?

Are There Different Types of Folliculitis?

Are There Different Types of Folliculitis?
Are There Different Types of Folliculitis?

There are different types of folliculitis based on the cause of the condition. These include; (2)

  1. Bacterial folliculitis: This type of folliculitis is caused by bacterial infection, usually Staphylococcus aureus. It can affect hair follicles anywhere on the body and may cause small, red bumps that can be itchy or painful.
  2. Pseudomonas folliculitis: This type is caused by the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Also known as “hot tub folliculitis, it usually develops within a few days of exposure to contaminated water, such as in hot tubs, pools, or water parks. The rash typically appears on areas of the skin covered by swimwear.
  3. Malassezia folliculitis: This type of folliculitis is caused by a yeast infection of the hair follicles. It often occurs on the chest and back and causes small, itchy bumps that may be white or red.
  4. Herpetic folliculitis: This type of folliculitis is caused by the herpes simplex virus. It causes small, painful blisters that may be accompanied by flu-like symptoms.
  5. Acneiform folliculitis: This type of folliculitis is a type of acne that occurs on the face, chest, and back. It is caused by blockages in the hair follicles, which lead to the formation of pimples and blackheads.
  6. Gram-negative folliculitis: This type is caused by bacterial infections with Gram-negative bacteria. It usually occurs in people who have been treated with long-term antibiotics for acne, and may cause pustules or nodules on the face, chest, and back.

Treatment for folliculitis depends on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. Mild cases may clear up on their own, while more severe cases may require antibiotics or antifungal medications.