Stomach Ulcer (Gastric Ulcer): (Overview, Signs and Symptoms, Causes and Risk factors, Diagnosis, Treatment)

Stomach ulcers or gastric ulcers are the open sores in the mucosal lining of the stomach or intestines. The ulcers which develop in the intestinal linings are known as duodenal ulcers while that develop in the stomach lining are called stomach ulcers. Collectively, the term “peptic ulcer” is used to describe both types of ulcers.

The stomach has a thick protective layer of mucus that prevents the digestive juices from causing any harm to the lining of the stomach. When the mucosal layer somehow depletes due to multiple causes, or the mucus production is not enough, the gastric juices with low pH start eating away the tissues lining the stomach. The depletion of mucus membranes causes painful stomach and intestinal sores.

Moreover, in the absence of proper treatment, these painful sores become the cause of gastric damage and severe gastrointestinal diseases. The proper treatment can cure the uncomplicated gastric ulcers in almost 2-3 months as compared to the duodenal ulcers that take nearly six weeks to heal completely. The main culprit behind the cause of gastric ulcers is the bacterial infection. The bacterial attack causes superadded inflammation in the stomach, which is painful and affects the digestive process. Although the ulcer heals temporarily without the use of antibiotics, the recurrence of ulcers is so frequent.

Symptoms of stomach ulcers

Symptoms of a stomach ulcer –

Stomach ulcers are the open sores that form in the lining of the stomach and cause troublesome signs and symptoms. These painful sores become the cause of burning sensation in the center of the abdomen. Some patients also suffer from gnawing pain, but studies show that not every stomach ulcer causes pain. The following are some of the most common signs and symptoms of stomach ulcers.