Prostate cancer (overview, symptoms, causes, stages, diagnosis, treatment)


Treatment –

The treatment protocol depends on the stage and severity of cancer you have. In most males having benign prostate cancer, there is no need for immediate treatment, while some men recover from cancer without any treatment. Mostly the doctors suggest active surveillance to keep in check the prostate cancer. In active surveillance, regular rectal exams, blood follow-up tests, and sometimes biopsies ensure the level of prostate cancer in the patient. The option of active surveillance is for people with no active symptoms from the tumor. However, there is always the risk of cancer growth in malignant tumors and to spread in the surrounding tissues too.

Radical prostatectomy

In the advanced malignant cases of prostate cancer, the doctors suggest to surgically remove some active part of the tumor to stop the spread into the nearby structures. In the procedure of radical prostatectomy, the surgeon removes the prostate gland having aggressive cancer and some tissues, including the lymph nodes surrounding the prostate gland. In a manual surgery known as retropubic surgery, the surgeon removes the prostate gland by making an incision in the lower abdomen. While with the robotic help, specific instruments necessary for the surgery connecting to a robot, the surgeon controls and guides the incision of the robot. Through this robot-assisted surgery, the degree of precision is higher in the surgery.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy involves the use of high power energy to invade the cancer cells in the prostate gland. Radiation therapy happens in the following two ways:

External beam radiation

In this therapy, the patient lies straight on the table while a high-powered X-ray or proton beam projecting on the prostate gland invades the cancer cells. This type of treatment is necessary to perform at least five days per week for many weeks.


In this type of radiation therapy, the doctor places several rice-sized radioactive beans in your prostate tissues. These beans provide the body with a daily dose of radiations to kill the cancer cells in a more extended period.