A Complete Guide To Blisters

What Causes Blisters?

What Causes Blisters
What Causes Blisters

Here are some common causes of blisters: (2)

  1. Friction: Friction is one of the most common causes of blisters. When the skin rubs against a rough or hard surface, it can cause blisters to form.
  2. Burns: Burns, whether from the sun or a heat source like a hot stove, can cause blisters to form on the skin.
  3. Chemical exposure: Exposure to certain chemicals can cause blisters to form on the skin. Examples include bleach, detergents, and other harsh cleaning agents.
  4. Allergies: Allergic reactions to certain substances, such as poison ivy or latex, can cause blisters to form.
  5. Infections: Certain infections, such as herpes simplex virus or chickenpox, can cause blisters to form on the skin.
  6. Medical conditions: Some medical conditions, such as eczema or pemphigus, can cause blisters on the skin.
  7. Medications: Certain medications, such as antibiotics or diuretics, can cause blisters to form as a side effect.

Of note, blisters can also be a symptom of more severe conditions, such as autoimmune disorders or skin cancer. If you have a painful blister that does not heal or is accompanied by other symptoms, it’s important to seek medical attention.