Meningioma Brain Tumor Symptoms: 13 Eraly Warning Signs OF Meningioma


Seizures –

Meningiomas can cause seizures due to the irritation of the underlying brain tissue. Sudden seizure episodes without any previous history point toward intracranial neoplasms. There is an onset of focal seizures with or without a generalized spread.

Parietal lobe syndrome

This syndrome is caused by a mass of tumor exerting pressure on the parietal lobe. Compression of the parietal lobe in the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex can lead to agraphia the clinical name of the inability to write. It may also cause acalculia, an impossibility to solve math problems. Other problems include finger agnosia (when the patient is unable to tell the names/recognize fingers), aphasia (when the patient is unable to speak), total agnosia (when the patient is unable to name normal stuff), immediate memory impairment (when the patient is unable to remember recent events such as what they had for breakfast), and problems with spatial orientation (when the patient can’t tell where their body parts are when their eyes are closed).

Brown Sequard syndrome

It is when the meningioma affects one side of the spinal cord. It is characterized by loss of pain, light touch, and temperature in the contralateral side, and loss or weakness of motor function (clinically known as paresis). Patients may also have vibratory sensations and proprioception (sense of the position of body parts) on the same side of the lesion. If the tumor continues to affect the spinal cord, it can cause anal and urinary sphincter dysfunction and later incontinence. In the end, it can lead to paraparesis or quadriparesis.