Have High Blood Pressure? 17 Effective Ways to Control Your High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure in medical terms is known as hypertension. Often, it does not have symptoms but is a significant risk of heart and stroke. Which are the prevailing causes of death nowadays. Your blood pressure is measured as mm Hg and pronounces as millimeters of mercury. The measurement consists of two numbers:

Systolic blood pressure: When your heart beats, the highest number represents the pressure in your blood vessels.

Diastolic Blood pressure: The bottom number is the pressure between beats when your heart rests in your blood vessels.

Your blood pressure depends on the amount of blood your heart pumps and how much blood flow resistance in your arteries exists. As your arteries become narrower, your blood pressure increases.

The blood pressure is considered normal below 120/80 mm Hg. High blood pressure is considered to be 130/80 mm Hg or higher. You fall under the high blood pressure category when your numbers are greater than normal, but less than 130/80 mm Hg.

The good news is that changes in the lifestyle can reduce your numbers significantly and decrease the risk without medication. Here are seventeen effective ways to reduce blood pressure:

More workout and physical activity

More workout and physical activity – 12Healthy.com

In 2013, average of 3.9% systolic and 4.5% diastolic blood pressures in sedentary elderly people who participated in aerobic workouts were reduced. These results are as good as certain medications for blood pressure. As your heart and breathing rates increase regularly, your heart is strengthened over time and is pumped with less effort. This reduces blood pressure and lowers your arteries. You should do 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity three to four times a week. When it’s a challenge to find 40 minutes per time, it can still be helpful to divide it into three or four 10 to 15 minutes during the day.

But there are no marathons you need to run. It can be easy to increase your level of activity by walking instead of driving, using the stairs, taking household jobs, having a bicycle journey, playing with a sports team.

Just do it regularly and work for a moderate activity at least half an hour a day.

An exercise and a reduction in blood pressure review revealed that many exercise combinations can reduce blood pressure. Aerobic exercise, resistance training, high-intensity exercise interval, short exercises all day long, or 10.000 steps a day walking all can decrease blood pressure.  It is also suggested that even light physical activity, particularly among older adults, still has benefits.